Which Approach or Tool is relevant for you?

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Accreditation Academy
Which Approach or Tool is relevant for you?

Each part of the toolkit and approach fits within the overall context of our Integrated Framework. In other words they link together in a coherent way and ultimately help organisations focus on performance improvement.

Each of the approaches is distinctive and has a use within its own right and it may well be that your particular issue or need makes one or more of these approaches relevant for you.

The matrix below provides a simple comparison of application need ‘versus’ technique and this may help you decide what is most relevant or at least help you to prioritise any accreditation training you wish to undertake.

  GPI GMI ESI/Blue 4 Skills ETLS LOI Competency Behaviour Requisite
Resolving conflict
Ineffective team work/silos
Mergers and acquisitions
Dysfunctional culture
Resistance to change
Hiring the wrong people
Lack of clarity about job role/responsibility
Coaching and individual development
Team building
Leadership development
Developing sales and service skills
Creating an efficient organisation
Selection and recruitment
Career exploration/development
Talent management
Culture change
Managing change


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